Dielette – Host Port
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Stopover Port of Tour des Ports de la Manche
[trx_button style_color= »style_color_2″ align= »left » link= »http://www.lahague-tourisme.co.uk/discover/ports-la-hague/port-dielette » target= »_blank »]DISCOVER PORT-DIÉLETTE[/trx_button][trx_button align= »left » link= »http://www.cc-lespieux.fr/fr/port-dielette/presentation-et-plan-du-p/default.asp » target= »_blank »]TOWN WEBSITE[/trx_button]
Port-Diélette is the last stop on the west coast for yachters on their way to Cherbourg before tackling the formidable Raz Blanchard current off the coast of the Hague peninsula.
The cute little port, once the site of an iron mine, is now next to the Flamanville power station, and is flanked by pristine wild beaches. Hikers will love the paths that pass along the coast and venture inland.
Make the most of your stay at Port-Diélette to discover la Hague with its high rocky cliffs, heather moorland and granite villages.
Plus d’informations sur Dielette, les sites à visiter, les bonnes adresses, les événements, …